What is The Difference Between Computing and Storage

The cloud has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, but many people don’t understand the differences between cloud storage and cloud computing. The simple answer is “cloud computing” means running applications over the internet, and “cloud storage” means storing data on servers to make it accessible over the internet.

Cloud Storage = Data and Cloud Computing = Processing

Cloud storage services, such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox, provide a simple and cost-effective way to store data on the cloud. This allows users to access their data from anywhere and avoid the costs and complications of maintaining local storage, such as buying large hard drives and implementing backup systems. For example, a business that needs to store a terabyte of data can do so for a fraction of the cost of buying and maintaining local storage.

Cloud computing, on the other hand, is a specific kind of cloud service that allows users to perform computational tasks using cloud-based resources. This includes simple applications like webmail and office apps, as well as high-end processing-intensive tasks like video rendering and complex calculations. Platforms like Microsoft Azure offer cloud-based processing services, allowing users to rent processing power to complete their tasks. For example, a research facility can use cloud-based processing to complete complex calculations faster than she could use local resources.

To understand this relationship and the difference between cloud computing and cloud storage, let’s look at examples of each.

The key difference between cloud storage and cloud computing is that cloud storage does not do anything to your data, it simply stores it. Cloud computing, however, allows you to perform actions on your data. Cloud computing often requires some level of cloud storage to be effective, but many systems offer basic storage for what would be considered reasonable use.

In conclusion, while cloud storage and cloud computing are both services that operate within the cloud, they are used for different purposes and offer different benefits. Cloud storage is a cost-effective way to store data, while cloud computing allows you to perform computational tasks and run software using cloud-based resources. Understanding the differences between these services can help you make informed decisions about how to best utilize the cloud for your business or personal needs.

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